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Farewell essay: On the love of paper and ink and glue, and words on a printed page.

December 16, 2011

Any number of topics presented themselves for what may be my last little essay here — it’s been a busy week in book land — but I’ve decided to mingle the elegiac with the celebratory.

Yes, I could have written about the latest atrocity by Amazon, a company that, astonishingly enough, seems to have less social and cultural conscience than Walmart, Destroyer of Towns.

I might have responded to this astonishingly wrongheaded Slate piece by Farhad Manjoo about how independent bookstores are “the least efficient, least user-friendly, and most mistakenly mythologized local establishments you can find,” and should just do us all a favor and die already.

Let me ask one simple question: How many author events did any Internet retailer sponsor last month? Books & Books, our local South Florida independent, sponsors 40 to 60, month in, month out. Otherwise, I’ll leave the field to novelist Richard Russo, whose New York Times op-ed on the subject Manjoo mocks without refuting.

And I might have written an appreciation of Christopher Hitchens, the great Anglo-American journalist and critic who died last night of cancer at age 62. I might have recalled how my admiration for his wit and eloquence were not diminished by my disgust at his intolerance toward religionists.

But I’ve already written that column, when I first heard of his illness, and besides, I knew the man only through his writing. I think you’ll get more out of this remembrance by his friend, Christopher Buckley, at the New Yorker website.

I might have eulogized the American-in-Paris bookseller, George Whitman, who died this week at age 98. He revived the landmark Paris bookstore Shakespeare & Co., and ran it for half a century. But my friend and erstwhile colleague Tom Swick, one of the best travel writers alive, has beaten me to it, with his customary elegance and insight.

And I might have written about the best books of 2011, but 1) I read fewer new books this year than usual, and 2) the ones I did read were for the most part unexceptional, and 3) I lost all interest in the subject, at least temporarily, when I opened the link to one such list and the very first novel mentioned was the absolute worst book I read this year.

No, I have chosen instead to leave you with a set of lovely quotes about reading, courtesy of the Huffington Post (which I have cheerfully maligned in this space upon every possible occasion), from some of our most interesting writers. I take the liberty of adding brief commentary on each one:

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” Joyce Carol Oates. Stuffy, but true.

“We don’t need a list of rights and wrongs, tables of dos and don’ts: we need books, time, and silence. Thou shalt not is soon forgotten, but Once upon a time lasts forever.” Philip Pullman. Actually, thou shalt not has done quite well for itself these last 3,000 years, but he’s right about once upon a time.

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler). My favorite in this lot.

“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” Oscar Wilde. Dear Oscar. He only posed as a decadent aesthete. At heart he was a moralist.

‘Be awesome! Be a book nut!” Dr. Seuss. Unimprovable.

“Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you’d most like not to lose.” Neil Gaiman. I’m not certain of the metaphorical machinery at work here, but I think he means to say both are impossible.

“Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.” Henry David Thoreau. Since Thoreau died at 44, I wonder if he might have been prescient. On the other hand, how do you know which books are best before you read them? Of course: Critics!

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, or who had ever been alive.” James Baldwin. This is so sad and heartfelt and true that I have nothing whatsoever to add.

“Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.” Mark Twain. Of course, Twain died more than a century ago. Today his formula would no doubt be: “An iPhone, a Starbucks, and a rocking Twitter account!”

I’d like to add another quote attributed to Twain, and which, interestingly enough, was recently tweeted by Mike Tyson: “The man who will not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.”

Over the past two and a-half years I’ve argued, probably to a tiresome degree, for the importance of reading real books, made of paper and ink and glue and printed on an actual white page of paper. Electronic reading devices, while possibly increasing reading interest in the short term, will inevitably lead people toward functional illiteracy.

What fraction of the populace will put forth the effort to read when they can watch TV or movies or play video games on their portable devices?

Perhaps I am wrong. I fervently hope so.

I want to express my gratitude to the Florida Center for the Literary Arts, and especially its executive director, Alina Interian,  for generously providing this excellent platform for literary commentary these last two and a-half years, and for letting me write whatever I felt like. Thank you. It’s been more fun than I can say.

Please visit the Center’s websites, the Center@MDC and Miami Book Fair International for continuing updates on the many excellent programs and events.

Meanwhile, I trust we will meet soon at some other location in the shifting geography of this brave new world.

52 Comments leave one →
  1. December 16, 2011 1:50 pm

    Your blog will be missed! But I can’t wait to see what you turn to next. I have loved reading your blog, Chauncey Mabe and I’m looking forward to reading your future work, wherever it might turn up.

    • hotpinkgirlsloveblackmen permalink
      November 5, 2021 5:23 am

      You wanna see a super hot and super slutty and super feminine white girl who loves black men all dressed in beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink, wearing a beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink headband and smoking a blindingly shockingly bright pink cigarette.

      HERE YOU GO.

      Notice too how she’s dressed like a dominatrix and wearing beautiful blindingly shockingly bright beautiful slutty pink gloves and beautiful blindingly
      shockingly bright beautiful slutty pink sword heeled boots btw sword heeled boots are really high heeled thigh high boots- beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink eyeglasses , carrying a beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink heart shaped purse and holding a beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink whip. and notice too how she says she refuses to wear or own anything not pink and how she loves and is married to and has kids with a black man and that the only thing she loves not pink is her men who she loves very dark black.Look at that beautiful very blonde massive super long beyond floor length beautiful hair of hers and her beautiful very bright very light blue eyes.

      I’m white but I gotta say there is nothing more beautiful than a hot white girl all dressed in beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink and wearing a beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink headband especially one thats also wearing beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink eyeglasses and dressed like a dominatrix with very blonde beautiful floor length hair with a black man. And damn she looks so fucking beautiful slutty and feminine and makes for such great and amazing eyecandy in all that beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink and dressed like a dominatrix and the fact that she’s married to and has kids with a black man is so sexually arousing.

      I’d absolutely love to hear the sound her beautiful blindinglyshockingly bright beautiful slutty pink sword heeled boots make when she walks in them. Bet it sounds so fucking sexy and slutty. How I’d love to also see her kicking black men in the balls with the heel part of her beautiful blindingly shockingly bright beautiful slutty pink sword heeled boots and stroking their huge black cocks with her beautiful blindinglyshockingly bright beautiful slutty pink gloves and whipping them with her beautiful blindingly shockingly bright pink whip.. That would be so fucking beautiful hot and sexy.

  2. Chauncey Mabe permalink*
    December 16, 2011 1:56 pm

    Thank you, for this, and for your insightful comments over the past two and a-half years.

    • Tall Dark Male permalink
      March 30, 2017 2:10 am

      Sabrina makes a comment above that if you look at the popular media, you would think the only women who find love and marriage are blondes. I agree that the statement may not be too far from the truth. That must explain the explosion of fake blondes, since women are becoming more and more aware that love and romance could be had in a much more prevalent way when one is blonde.

      I’ve also noticed, from my observation of others and my own experiences, that when it comes to marriage or a long-term relationship, guys usually seek out blondes. The reason behind this phenomenon, I would guess, is that blonde women represent the “ultimate” in feminine beauty, and our ocassional encounter with the gorgeous blonde serves to remind us guys of this fact. No other woman is able to stroke the male libido in the same way, or invoke feelings of lust, as a hot blonde does. Thus, when such encounters do occur, so long as a guy is at the time with another blonde, then such lustful feelings seldom result in frustration and want. If, on the other hand, one is not, it is often the case that the feelings of lust are accompanied by feelings of frustration at not being able to experience the best. Because of this, guys will seldom refuse opportunities to be with a blonde even under extreme circumstances. Beautiful blonde women have no doubt been a major cause of marital infidelity. As Naturally very blonde floor length haired Swedish girl states above, guys of all races in every country of the world lusts after her…I’m sure she could attest to the fact that she can pretty much get whatever guy she wants — is that right?

      But looks aren’t everything, and so those women who are not naturally blonde, or those who cannot pass for or look good as a blonde, can comfort themselves in the fact that “less than the best” looks coupled with a fabulous character and good personality can still bring love and romance their way…just not to the same degree that blonde women experience.

    • KOBE SBM permalink
      April 7, 2017 12:16 am


    • Proud 2B Blonde permalink
      June 29, 2017 2:24 am

      Do you agree that Ohio has the best quality of life than any other state? The people are smarter too?
      I live in Ohio and I think we are the best state because the people here are just much smarter than people in any other states. It is clean here, beautiful, and we have a great quality of life … unlike you people in Michigan or New York, or WEST VIRGINIA … EWWW, West Virginia is just GROSS, and so is Virginia just because it has the same name.


  3. Joe Straub permalink
    December 16, 2011 2:55 pm

    So sorry I won’t get to read the blogs any nore, but I trust you’re moving on to better things. I have to say that I think books will be around for a long time for the same reason horses and sailboats are.

    • naturalblondehottie permalink
      April 7, 2017 3:31 am

      I have even longer hair. I have very blonde hair that is so long its longer than I am tall. I take very good care of it. My hair is very shiny and very healthy.Guys always compliment me and tell me how beautiful my floor length natural platinum blonde hair and girls always tell me how they wish they had hair as long, blonde, shiny, and beautiful as mine. I’m sure guys would love your hair at knee length as long as you took good care of it.

  4. Chauncey Mabe permalink*
    December 16, 2011 3:36 pm

    Thanks, Joe. And I surely hope you are right.

    • KOBE SBM permalink
      April 7, 2017 12:17 am

      LOL. Being nominated for a VES award is not at all related to the horrible writing for this show. Its a visual effects award, and SGU will not win it. Did you see who its up against? Just LOL. What these writers WANTEDD, is the critical acclaim like BSG got. But instead of being original and coming up with something new or improving upon the writing they did for Atlantis and SG-1, they attempted to copy BSG. SGU instantly reminds people of BSG because so many elements are stolen from it. But these writers lack the skills to write drama, and these characters have failed to connect with the viewers.

      You said:

      That battle has already been lost and you can quote all the ratings you like but any fool knows that popularity is no gauge as to the merit of something.

      TRUE. But the ratings are the heartbeat of this show. They are steadily dropping, and when they drop to a certain level the show will be canceled. Thats just the way things work. As far as having merit as a drama, that is ridiculous because its so DERIVATIVE. Its like a bad mix of BSG, Lost, Gres Anatomy, Melrose Place and 90210 with some Voyager thrown in. No merit, sorry.

      What is your agenda here? Why are you defending this show so much without saying what you like about it or what is so different about it? It sucks, its unoriginal and derivative, and is becoming less and less popular. I thought they might be able to fix it, and I did not expect SGA or SG-1 to be reinstated. I just wanted Stargate, but we got Battlegate Voyager: 90210.

      You seem to be focusing on the individuals posting here instead of the topic. I am an adult over 40 and to me that seems rather immature.

    • Coldstar permalink
      June 28, 2017 11:24 pm

      Do I get this text from the book right when it sounds to me that the enemy produces fake documents for a group which they want to subvert?

      “The term “black propaganda” is reserved for those materials “planted by the United States but in such as way that it seems to be the product or even an internal document of the target group.” In other words, “black propaganda” is nothing less than a form of intellectual and political subversion.”

      What stops the enemy then from producing fake documents for the use of framing and convicting for punishment an individual or a group of people? When governments do their own PSYOP or PSYWAR operations on their own citizens, then those governments also are the enemy.

    • Proud 2B Blonde permalink
      June 29, 2017 2:35 am

      Why do Canadians get mad when us Americans talk about Canadian accents?

      Every time on Yahoo Answers, some one talks about a Canadian accent, some Canadian will answer and get all mad. “WE DON’T HAVE AN ACCENT YOU STUPID AMERICAN”

      Sheesh lol. What’s the big deal? Some Canadians DO have an accent, and it’s also called Canadian raising, because some Canadians do say about in a way that it sounds like “aboot”. There is a Wikipedia article on it:

      I don’t see what the big deal is, I mean we have accents in the US too, especially in the south.

      • anon permalink
        April 11, 2018 9:56 pm

        Because we are insecure as hell!

        Born and raised Canadian, spent a few years abroad and I can hear the Canadian accent clear as day now.

        Oat and Aboat in a Boat as I say, as we say, I should say.

  5. Charlyne Schaub permalink
    December 16, 2011 4:06 pm

    So sorry you won’t be blogging, Chauncey. I admire your wit and insight.

    • Blond Adult Girl permalink
      April 9, 2017 10:00 pm

      “the average income for 90% of US households actually fell from $27,060 to $27,035”


      Maybe all those lazy people can take a cue from Chris Gardner and work hard for once!

      have you noticed that our economy has been roaring for the better part of the last 20 years? Where as in the 60’s in 70’s it sucked?

  6. December 16, 2011 7:20 pm

    Chauncey, I always enjoyed reading your unique perspective on the literary scene, and hope to see you popping up elsewhere soon,

    • Tall Dark Male permalink
      March 30, 2017 2:12 am

      It was so refreshing to see the comment by “Naturally very blonde floor length haired Swedish girl.” She really does speak the truth and sums up the reality that everyone knows but is often afraid to say –that unbiased men of every ethnicity I’m aware of in almost all cases prefer natural blonde (esp. “light” natural blonde) women over all others. No one can deny that when a blonde woman, even an “average” looking one (although admittedly most natural blonde women I’ve encountered in my life are usually hot or at least above average), walks into a room, all heads, male and female, turn to look. The males look in lust, while the females, as Ms. Natural Blonde Swedish Babe writes, usually look with jealousy, envy or even hostility. But hey, it’s not the blonde’s fault that she was born blessed with golden hair, blue eyes and fair rosy skin. Nor should she be ashamed of it…rather I think she should be proud of her looks and flaunt it. That would certainly make me and a lot of other guys happy! Just picturing Naturally Very Blonde Floor Length Haired Swedish Girl makes me so excited…now that’s powerful!

  7. December 16, 2011 7:36 pm

    This has been one of my favourite places in the cybersphere. I’ll miss your articles.

  8. Sean Piccoli permalink
    December 16, 2011 7:56 pm

    It’s been a pleasure. You’re pretty good at this medium! I’m not tossing my Kindle yet, but no way letting go of my real books, either.

    • naturalblondehottie permalink
      April 7, 2017 3:01 am

      lol I actually love having my boobs groped and squeezed by just about anyone whether my husband friends strangers male or female im bisexual btw I love the way it feels it feels good to have my tits groped and squeezed I love having my pussy and ass groped to by just about anyone

  9. December 16, 2011 10:41 pm

    I am saddened by the fact you are not going to greet me on a daily basis with your wonderful banter and criticism . I am also sorry I haven’t yet had the pleasure to meet you in person. The best of luck to you in your new endeavors.
    Patricia A. Zimmerman

    • KOBE SBM permalink
      April 7, 2017 12:35 am

      Youre right. Im just adding fuel to the flame by nciting responses on this subject. AKO knows that it hits a nerve because I’m biracial, but hitting the nerve simply causes the proper (and ass scalding) reflexes. I like you too, Pasta.

  10. Marla permalink
    December 16, 2011 11:24 pm

    There are no words eloquent enough to express my sadness upon hearing about the end of this blog. Your insight, wit, wisdom and beautiful writing shall be missed. Of course, I have no doubt you will find another outlet for your talent. I’m so glad that other people in this world feel a need to actually have a book in hand … it’s like opening a present … with many, many surprises inside. I’ll always prefer to read this way and I concur with the need for Independent BOOKSTORES! And my hat is off to you, everyone at Books & Books, FLCT, Hitchens and Thoreau! THANK YOU!

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 17, 2011 10:43 am

      Thank you all for the kind words. Perhaps this blog will be revived at some point in the future. In any case, I look forward to meeting you somewhere soon — on line, in print, in person.

      • KOBE SBM permalink
        April 7, 2017 12:18 am … _adoc6.htm … health.asp

        “A mental disorder designation for racism would help someone like Buford Furrow Jr., the man who went on a shooting spree in Los Angeles that left an Asian-American mailman dead and several people at a Jewish community center day care wounded. Furrow had a history of involvement in hate groups, but he also had a record of treatment for serious mental illness. Could his racist rampage simply be another mental illness for which he needs treatment rather than punishment?”

        Racism must be defined before anyone comments on this thread:

        RACISM rac�ism Pronunciation: ‘rA-“si-z&m also -“shi- Function: noun 1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

        Having posted the definition, the following groups are NOT races: Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, Christains, Anarchists, Arabs, Iraqis and any other ETHNIC group. Discrimination based on ethnicity is NOT racism, its prejudice. We already know that certain posters on this forum (whom the Mods have decided not to delete) are racists. I hope I havent been classified as one of them especially since my ethnic background crosses three major boundaries (White, Black, Latino). I admit that I have prejudices and I discriminate, but not based on race. Any ideas?

    • T.Garrett permalink
      June 28, 2017 11:08 pm

      I told you people about Trump a long time ago …wake up!

  11. danny permalink
    December 17, 2011 12:20 am

    will miss this blog, for sure. Well done, sir. and BRAVO…. now my last comment!

    Christopher Hitches is dead at 62. Or is he?

    by Dan Bloom

    When world hero artist Christopher Hitchens died recently, the global
    television screens and newspaper headlines proclaimed “Christopher
    Hitchens, dead at 62.”

    But the way we report deaths on TV and in print papers seems
    out-dated, in some way. Why give in to the commercial death business
    (as well as the religious death business) and even
    use words like death and dies? Why don’t we begin to use a better word
    as a marker to mark a man or a woman’s three score and ten here on

    This blogger made a list of some words that might fit better and he
    wonders what you, dear reader, think of them. Perhaps you could add
    some words or suggestions in
    the comments section here (below) — and not ”six feet under” but
    just a few centimeters below.

    So instead of the TV announcers and newspaper headline writers saying
    or writing “Christopher Hitchens, dead at 62,” how about saying
    something in the future as an alternative such as: “Christopher
    Hitchens, transformed at 62″ – ‘Christopher Hitchens, morphed at 62″ –
    ‘Christopher Hitchens, matrixed at 62″ – ‘Christopher Hitchens,
    returned at 62″ – ‘Christopher Hitchens, retrieved at 62″ –
    ‘Christopher Hitchens, reunioned at 62″– ‘Christopher Hitchens,
    realigned at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens, hitched at 62″
    –‘Christopher Hitchens, sent off at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens,
    reintegrated at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens, sayonara’d at 62″ —
    ‘Christopher Hitchens, atomized at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens,
    starlit at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens, energized at 62″ —
    ‘Christopher Hitchens, archived at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens,
    completed at 62″ — ‘Christopher Hitchens, finalized at 62″ —
    ‘Christopher Hitchens, regurgitated at 62.”

    A friend in Canada suggests “Christopher Hitchens, composted at 62.”
    And she also suggests “Christopher Hitchens, angelized at 62″ (adding
    that Hitch probably would not have liked that one so much, but that he
    might have seen the sense of humor involved in such a term).

    What other words might fit in the future? Suggestions welcome, pro and con.

    And remember this, or at least, this blogger does: ”Death be not
    proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art
    not so!”

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 17, 2011 10:41 am

      Interesting, but I cannot help but imagine that Hitchens would be appalled. As a writer, he strove always for rigor and clarity, and thus would have rejected all of these suggestions as obfuscatory and cowardly euphemisms. As a thinker he likewise prized clarity in service of the search for truth. Dead is dead. Let us say so and embrace the reality of human existence.

      But I recognize the humor and good cheer in these suggestions, so let me not be too crotchety about it. Thank you for the kind words. Readers like you have made this blog work these past two and a-half years.

      • KOBE SBM permalink
        April 7, 2017 12:36 am

        I have decided against engaging you in any sort of intelligent debate. Your credibility was destroyed when you showed your support for the utterly preposterous notions of one “AKOBADAGETH”. To enter into a discussion with you would be pointless.

        Perhaps if I had met you under different circumstances, I might have gone a few with you, however that is not the case. From what I can gather, you and AKOFUCK are much the same, only you are able to articulate your ignorance with a little more style. The double entendre, the feigned objectivity, and the silly “oracle” role do little to enhance your approach. You share AKO’s self-important view of himself and his ideaology, yet are obviously well-educated and intelligent.

        If you support white PRIDE, I do not object to that. There are other racial pride groups such as Brown Pride, Asian Pride, Black Pride, etc. Such affiliations usually attract social degenerates like AKO, Louis Farrakahn, and David Duke. The need to belong to such organizations is a sign of an inferiority complex. The members somehow feel that belonging to a pride group will compensate for the lack of personal self-confidence and direction. It is the idea of white SUPREMACY which I stand against, as I stand against all racial supremacy groups.

        After reading some of my posts here and elsewhere, you will find it difficult to convince anyone reading this thread that Im just some “dumb nigger”. If AKO can resist the urge to interject one of his most tiresome “UNDISPUTABLE FCATZS”, I may respond to a comment from you. I do not believe that we can debate anything unless it has absolutely NOTHING to do with racial supremacy or alleged race/intelligence theories.

  12. December 17, 2011 11:44 pm

    Will miss your “crochety” soul as well as your delicous erudition, and propensity for telling me something wonderful that I ddn’t know before. Here’s to real live books – forever. May you go forth on an endless jouney of discovery and joy.

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 18, 2011 2:27 am

      Bless your heart, Emily. That’s close to the kindest thing anyone’s ever said. to me.

  13. December 18, 2011 5:52 pm

    Damn, I thought you were forever, Chauncey. Can’t believe I won’t be able to surf your blog for articles to reprint in SHJ. Everything seems to be evolving toward some depressing end, be it this blog or this country or this entire world.

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 19, 2011 4:17 pm

      What rough beast, eh, Duff?

      • December 19, 2011 5:02 pm

        The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity, Chauncey.

  14. Duane Allicock permalink
    December 19, 2011 6:00 am

    Mr. Mabe, it was indeed a pity to learn of the ending of your blog in the same manner that it was discovered; by my accidentally stumbling across it more than a year and a half ago. Quite a few of your entries were made the subject of discussions with friends, family and even a few instructors at my university here in Trinidad. Often times I was amused and entertained, but foremost, always taught, many times introduced to authors and material I’d not even heard of (I am indebted to you for directing me to Scott Turow’s novels) and that is a gift which is worth its weight in platinum.
    I’ll join the chorus of those who’ve already acknowledged that it will be disappointing to see you go, but do hope to see your musings and commentary somewhere again. A personal regret I shall also have to live with is that in the many months of reading your blog, this shall likely be my first and last comment on any of your posts, and that awareness does make me feel sad to say the least.
    Best wishes with all of future endeavours, literary and otherwise, and of all the quotes featured about reading, I’d have to state my preference for the one by James Baldwin. Thank you again sir for your insight, humour and most importantly just sharing your knowledge.

    Duane Allicock – a fan and follower, Trinidad and Tobago

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 19, 2011 4:19 pm

      Thanks, Duane. Very kind of you to say. There is a slim chance this blog may be revived at some point in the future. If not, the entries already posted should stay up indefinitely, where new readers can find them.

  15. December 19, 2011 8:00 am

    I’ve been a silent and occasional reader but over and over I’ve come back. I’ll miss your voice. Somehow, keep us in the know for what lies in your future.

  16. Chauncey Mabe permalink*
    December 19, 2011 4:20 pm

    I’ll do my best. Thank you so much for stopping buy. Best wishes.

  17. Amy permalink
    December 19, 2011 9:26 pm

    What??? I read every word you wrote! We’re linked through Connie O., my bff, and I’ve seen you at the Book Fair. Had no idea this was coming to an end, and am very sad about it. Jeez. Loved every minute of it. So sorry. What’s next for you?

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 26, 2011 4:27 pm

      Don’t know yet. But I’ll keep you posted.

  18. December 21, 2011 2:54 pm

    Thank God for people like you who relentlessly profess the qualities of seeking knowledge in the most obvious yet overlooked places in hopes of benefiting the digital hoards of societally-encumbered minds.

    Where I would be if it were not receiving the indirect benefits of your direct efforts, I do not like to reflect upon.

    Thank you.

  19. December 21, 2011 3:46 pm

    What the hell?
    I go away for two weeks and this is what you do when I am not looking?
    Damn it all…there goes yet another excuse not to write. Just when you had moved ahead of “What Not to Wear” reruns and folding laundry and were pushing hard at the Daily Dish and Spider Solitaire.

    Grrrr. Let me know if you alight anywhere new. Happy trails, friend.

    • Chauncey Mabe permalink*
      December 26, 2011 4:25 pm

      Thanks, PJ.

  20. January 4, 2012 7:16 pm

    Sorry to see you go, especially because I only just stumbled acorss this blog (and linked it to my own). I wish you and it and its sponsor had had more promotion. Goof luck.

  21. Chauncey Mabe permalink*
    January 5, 2012 4:47 pm

    Thank you, me too.

  22. January 11, 2012 11:16 am

    Thank you for this gift of a branching path of links to follow. Even though I too love paper, ink, glue, I think the fact that you can send us leaping to things wrong-headed or moving shows that fundamentally it’s the words, on pages printed or electronic, that link two minds, reader and writer, across time and distance.

    I feel, as I’ve told you before, that this format freed you up to say what you want as a commentator, columnist, reporter, reviewer, advocate, denouncer, provacateur, and friend to readers. I hope that you will find another such forum if this one indeed is done. Whatever it is, wherever it is, I want to read what you have to say.

    • January 11, 2012 2:09 pm

      I’m with Lynne when she says “I want to read what you have to say.” So I hope you’ll keep us in the loop, Chauncey.

  23. January 13, 2012 5:15 am

    I dreaded reading this, so I stayed away for a while. I knew it was coming, but that doesn’t diminish my sense of loss.

    Happy trails, Chauncey!

  24. Chauncey Mabe permalink*
    March 25, 2012 10:44 pm

    Thanks, Button. Many thanks

  25. August 16, 2012 11:59 am

    Why “last”? I’ve just discovered your blog, it’s a bad time for you to go.

  26. March 25, 2013 9:31 pm

    Definitely believe that which you stated. Your favorite reason appeared to be on the internet the simplest thing to bear in mind of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed whilst people consider concerns that they just do not understand about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the top and also outlined out the whole thing without having side effect , other folks could take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

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